CARIN Thomas

Data Science and Computer Science are my passion. My name is Thomas and I’ve been studying computer science since 2017, but was interested in this field since I’m 14.

I love learning, I’m a curious person and don’t want to let anything to chance. I love doing personal projects related to my field. And I decided to dig more deeper in Data since the end of the previous school year.

I’m really fascinated by what we can learn from Data, and I’m convinced that Data is the current revolution and I want to be part of it.

I’m coming from a Computer Science background, and I always loved Mathematics. I’m really happy that I have found the perfect field where I can mix both.

If you think I can be a valuable asset for your company, I would love to talk more with you, you can contact me on LinkedIn or via email :

I also love sport. I’m currently doing street workout and I played tennis during 7 years.